Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Recycled cans - let's organize the kitchen!

I don't know about you, but I am quite messy and tend to leave stuff all over the place :P
I was looking to find a way to keep the sink tidier from all the sponges and stuff and then I had an idea: I was keeping away tomato sauce cans because I thought I could re-use them somehow, but I still didn't know how.
Then I looked on the internet for some inspiration and I found something very interesting. Unfortunately I just gave a quick look to the website and when I went back I wasn't able to find it again. So, now I am going to show you what I made out of three tomato sauce cans (this has been done by heart).
I am also going to post a slow-motion video about it. My friend, who is a video editor, came over and we took hundreds of pictures that now need to be put together, edited and have a nice soundtrack added. It could take a while so, for now, I will just post some pictures.
Hope you like it!!

I don't know if you can see it from the pictures, but to hold the can on the hook, I just used one of those cheap black paper clips that you can find at the supermarket or at Ryman, something like this:
You should try and make one yourself, it's easy, cheap and nice!


Sunday, 3 February 2013

New felt brooches!

Hello Sunday!
I haven't been very active online this week, but I have been doing some pretty things!
I had to cover my collegue, who was in Spain and this meant that I had to start at 6 am! So I went to sleep very early every night....hopefully from Monday I will start at 7 again. I know it may seem as early, but it makes a huge difference to wake up at 5:30 instead of 6:30....but anyway, I like waking up early (ok, maybe not at 5:30, but still....).

I did some new felt brooches :) Since I received my first Etsy order, I really wanted to do something out of all those beautiful felt sheets. I was looking for something easy and quite plain and I thik these little flowers are perfect, just what I had in mind.

As always, they are on sale :)

The background of these pictures is the beautiful woolen round-necked scarf, made by my mum. I wrote a post about that you can check here.
I hope you liked my new brooches and I hope you are having a lovely week end,

ciao ciao